September 17, 2009

The Vineyard Brew

Chennai. College. Conversations. Coffee.

It all started over a couple of Vineyard Brews at Coffee?. Through my college days in Chennai, I was a regular at this tiny little coffee shop near home. The place has now moved and isn't as cosy as I remember it being earlier. I'm not even sure they still serve these brews and that's just a pity, because they've got to be the best semi-alcoholic evening drinks I've ever had!

Never the less, here's how you can do it yourself!

You need -
Instant coffee powder
A dark cola (preferably coca cola)
Red wine
Ice cubes

What you have to do -
- In a tall clear glass, put half a spoon of coffee powder (add up to a spoon if you want it strong) and add a very small amount of red wine (as alcoholic as you'd like it)
- Add ice cubes per your preferences
- Tilt the glass at a 45degree angle and slowly pour the cola from the rim of the glass (if you rush this, it fizzes and turns foamy)

Serve with popcorn or other light snacks!

1 comment:

amna said...

rum and coffee. yumm :)