September 8, 2009


Serves two.

This turned out to be surprisingly easy to make and is quite fulfilling as a dinner.
You need -
Good quality wheat spaghetti
2 tomatoes
1 onion
1 bell pepper/capsicum
Some oregano/basil seasoning, salt to taste
Some olive oil
Chili flakes, cheese (optional, be recommended)

What you have to do -
- Boil a portion of the spaghetti in hot water until it turns soft - be careful not to break the strands
- Make a paste of the onions in a blender
- In a kadai, let the paste turn golden brown by heating in a small tsp of olive oil
- Similarly, make a paste of the tomatoes and add to the mix
- Once it's cooked adequately, add the capsicum (chopped lengthwise)
- Add salt and the oregano
- Add the soft spaghetti and let it cook together for 4-5 minutes
- Add chili flakes (if you want it spice) and Parmesan cheese (use regular cheese slices if you want it to melt fast)

Serve hot!

Serve with -
Garlic bread & salads

1 comment:

amna said...

easy and yummy! :)